Bermula ketika Presiden Amerika Ullyses Grant sedang berada di Lobby Willards Hotel Washington dengan mengisap cerutu sambil minum brandy, dan ngobrol ngobrol yang akhirnya menghasilkan keputusan yang memuaskan semua pihak.
Sejak itu mulai dikenal istilah ‘lobby’, dimana keputusan keputusan penting yang sulit di ambil diruang kerja menjadi lebih mudah diputuskan. Namun, pada saat itu, kegiatan lobby lebih banyak berhubungan dengan Parlemen dan Eksekutif, belum sampai merambah ke banyak bidang yang tidak selalu berhubungan dengan Parlemen dan Eksekutif seperti sekarang ini.
Though many see lobbying as a potential corruption to the system, others
disagree. Bill Clinton defended his wife's reception of lobbyist money for
her campaign by saying:
" Lobbyists are registered, they register with the federal government
and can give the same amount of money, $2300, anybody else can. That's not
going to influence you. What gives the lobbyists influence is the people who
hire them for work for them. It's all the people they represent. So all
these people who don't take money from lobbyists, they take money from the
lobbyists' spouses, their children, their brothers, their sisters, from all
the people they represent. It's a distinction without a difference, I think.
There's no significant financial gain, because there's not that many
lobbyists. If we're going to take money from the guys who pay the lobbyists,
why treat them [the lobbyists] as less than full citizens ?”
Di Amerika Serikat, diperlukan waktu yang sangat panjang sampai akhirnya Lobby sebagai sebuah profesi diakui eksistensinya. Demikian juga dengan Lobbyist di negara Europa lainnya, eksistensinya diakui dan syah menurut Undang Undang Negara.
Berbeda dengan Indonesia. Selama ini istilah Lobbyist bisa dibilang hanya milik partai politik atau anggota parlemen. Praktis, kegiatan lobi kebanyakan dilakukan antar Fraksi yang di parlemen, atau antara Departement dengan Parlemen. Karenanya istilah lobby menjadi kurang menyebar baik bidang maupun ruang lingkupnya.
Princentown refference malah menulis :
A Day in the life of a Lobbyist
Whether lobbyists work for a large organization, a private individual, or
the general public, their goals and strategies are the same.
Paying Your Dues
Lobbying is a profession full of people who have changed careers, since
relevant knowledge and experience are all you really need to become a
lobbyist. There are no licensing or certification requirements, but
lobbyists are required to register with the state and federal governments.
Most lobbyists have college degrees. A major in political science,
journalism, law, communications, public relations, or economics should stand
future lobbyists in good stead. While you're still in college you can check
out the terrain through various government-related internships-as a
congressional aide, in a government agency, or with a lobbying firm, for
example. Any of these positions will give you a look at the role of lobbying
in the political system. After college the same holds-working in a
government or political office, especially as a congressional aide, takes
you to the front lines, but it may also be useful to start out in a law or
public relations firm. Many lobbyists also come from careers as legislators,
as former politicians often capitalize on their years of government service
and their connections to old pals still in office. This is the "revolving
door" that recent legislation has begun to regulate (see "Past and Future").
Indeed, networking is the name of the game in lobbying, where people are
hired as much for who they know as what they know. Someone who can schmooze
at high levels will start his lobbying career from an accordingly high
perch, while others face a long hard climb upwards. While there is no
hierarchy of seniority as in corporations, this also means that there is no
ceiling for those who do well”.
Dari sedikit ilustrasi diatas, bisa di tarik kesimpulan, bagaimana pentingnya sosok lobbyist yang apabila bisa berperan secara profesional dan diakui keberadaannya akan membuat banyak perubahan di dalam sistim ketatanegaraan dari sebuah negara.
Sebagai tambahan ilustrasi, berikut sebuah kutipan dari sebuah bulletin board tentang kiprah lobbyist di kota Brussels:
“There are currently around 15,000 lobbyists in Brussels (consultants,
lawyers, associations, corporations, NGOs etc.) seeking to influence the EU's
legislative process. Some 2,600 special interest groups have a permanent
office in Brussels. Their distribution is roughly as follows: European trade
federations (32%), consultants (20%), companies (13%), NGOs (11%), national
associations (10%), regional representations (6%), international
organizations (5%) and think tanks (1%), (Lehmann, 2003, pp iii)”.
Bagaimana dengan Indonesia ?. Bisa dibilang di Indonesia sampai saat ini belum mengenal istilah lobbyist atau pelobi sebagaimana pengertian lobbyist atau pelobi yang sudah eksis di negara-negara maju. Bahkan sampai saat ini, pengertian lobbyist atau pelobi masih tetap cenderung identik dengan politikus-politikus yang menjadi anggota fraksi-fraksi yang ada di parlemen. Seakan tak ada ruang tumbuh bagi lahirnya pelobi-pelobi profesional yang semestinya tidak harus identik dengan seorang politikus.