
First family tax returns raise flags in Indonesia

An old phrase says nothing in life is certain but death and taxes. At a time when the nexus of power and wealth is viewed with scepticism, a peek into their tax returns might be expected to reveal the financial affairs of Indonesia's first family.

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Pengamat: Jika Boediono Terlibat Kasus BLBI, SBY Rontok - m.okezone.com

"Dia (SBY) bagian orang yang dipasang untuk masuk bersama-sama dengan Boediono. Maka kalau Boediono rontok diapun rontok," katanya usai menghadiri acara deseminasi publik bertajuk Penjara dan Pemakzulan Terkait Fakta Hukum Keterlibatan Langsung Boediono dalam Skandal BLBI, di Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, Minggu (27/1/2013).



US denounces North Korea nuclear threat - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said he has seen no outward sign that North Korea will follow through soon on its plan to conduct a test. But that does not mean preparations are not under way.

"They have the capability, frankly, to conduct these tests in a way that make it very difficult to determine whether or not they are doing it,'' Panetta told reporters.

He added that the US administration was "prepared to deal with any kind of provocation from the North Koreans".

US denounces North Korea nuclear threat - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Who will win the battle over birth control? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

Who will win the battle over birth control? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

Jakarta (Tidak) Tenggelam 27 Januari

Jakarta (Tidak) Tenggelam 27 Januari
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